Contact Us

Please contact us if you would like to schedule an appointment or just have a question needing answered.

Sacramento, California

ddi Imaging Center
99 Scripps Dr #101
Sacramento, CA 95825
Phone: (916) 646-3740
Fax: (916) 646-3742

Roseville, California

ddi Imaging Center
2110 Professional Dr #101
Roseville, CA 95661
Phone: (916) 788-2620
Fax: (916) 788-2622

Monday through Thursday: 8am to 12 noon and 1:30pm to 5pm
Friday: 8am to 12 noon and 1pm to 3pm.

Mobile Van, California

Phone: (888) 259-0189

Littleton, Colorado (Denver Area)

ddi Imaging Center
8 West Dry Creek Circle #201
Littleton, CO 80120
Phone: (303) 797-8306
Fax: (303) 798-6286

Monday through Thursday: 8am to 12 noon and 1:30pm to 5pm
Friday: Closed